Secure a seat for the new TEN dapps rockets when they launch at
Launches done right
T-X (T minus TEN) is the official launchpad for the TEN network. You can participate in token launches and support new quality projects at the TEN network. Token launches will be announced 10 days before.
Learn more about token launches
The token you have been waiting for
The TMX token is the T-X token you use to stake and get an allocation for future launches at T-X. TMX is both a utility and security token with several advantages. When you stake TMX you will participate in the lottery of allocations for new token launches and receive staking rewards from the projects that launch at T-X. This is designed to have a long-term appreciation of the TMX token, which is reflected by the success of the TEN network ecosystem.
Learn more about TMX
Get your allocation
Stake TMX tokens to win an allocation. The staking mechanism is two-fold and your chances increase the longer you stake (up to 90 days) and the higher amount (up to $1,000). Staked TMX has an unbinding period of 21 days before they can be withdrawn.
The staking mechanism will launch upon the TMX Token Generation Event (TGE).
Explore staking